- VegeSun - Page 2

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Organic soy mince 250g

Organic soy mince is soy harvest grown on the fertile plains in Northwest France. The product with its unbeatable taste is among the crème de la crème of soy minces. Organic soy mince can be used for any kind of food preparation and goes well as is with a muesli-yogurt mix. It also complements salads, … lue koko artikkeli …

Eco friendly

A major part of the european ecological footprint is made up of food. More natural resources are used up in the production of our food than in any other part of our life (e.g. moving around, residency). In addition, the production of food causes greater greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions than traffic. Meat and dairy products … lue koko artikkeli …

Organic soy bean flakes 350g

VegeSun Organic soya bean flakes are a new kind of soy flake, produced by mechanically flattening and roasting soybeans harvested from fields in Austria. The finished product is a nutty soya bean flake, ready to be consumed as is with no prior cooking. Soya bean flakes go well with muesli, breakfast mixes, stews, and make a … lue koko artikkeli …

Soy strips 250g

VegeSun Soy strips made from European soy. Non-GMO, gluten-free.

Organic soy chunks 150g

Organic soy pieces on verraton lihan korvaaja ja sellaisenaan syötävä snack. Käytä kaikkialla missä muutoin käyttäisit lihanpaloja – vain mielikuvitus on kattona Luomusoijapalojen käytölle! Luomusoijapalojen soija on peräisin Lounais-Ranskasta. Tuote on gluteeniton ja 100 % geenimuuntelematon.